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Invisalign: A Clear Solution for Straightening Teeth

Straight teeth are important for self-esteem, of course, but they are also essential for good health. This is especially true for teenagers and young adults who are building healthy smiles that last a lifetime.  

While traditional braces are still a popular approach to teeth straightening, many families are now turning to Invisalign, which uses a series of clear aligners to straighten teeth. In fact, more than 17 million people choose this nearly-invisible approach to straightening their teeth.

Brentwood Orthodontist Offers Invisalign, the Clear Solution for Straightening Teeth

All orthodontic approaches to straightening teeth work in the same basic way: by applying constant pressure to teeth. Above the gumline, this pressure pushes teeth towards their ultimate location; below the gumline, the jawbone is “remodeling” itself by breaking down ahead of the tooth and rebuilding itself behind it. This remodeling creates an even stronger jawbone that holds the teeth firmly in place.  

Invisalign features a series of clear plastic aligners that, like other types of orthodontics, apply constant, gentle pressure to move teeth to their desired location. Each aligner tray moves teeth about 0.33 mm, and builds on the progress made by the previous aligner.  

Made from a medical-grade plastic, the aligners are smooth and comfortable – no metal wires or sharp edges to cut or scrape delicate oral tissues. The plastic used in Invisalign has a long history of FDA approval, so the material is safe for all ages.  

Perhaps the most noticeable benefit of Invisalign, aside from straightening teeth comfortably and effectively, is the clear plastic trays that are almost unnoticeable. In fact, you’ve probably chatted with someone wearing Invisalign and didn’t even realize that they were straightening their teeth.  

The Invisalign Process: 5 Steps to a Great Smile

Getting Invisalign is easier than you might think!  

1. Schedule complimentary consultation with your Brentwood orthodontist

Orthodontic consultations provide you with personalized information about Invisalign.  

2. Map out the treatment plan

Whether you are the patient or the patient’s parents, a treatment plan helps you know what to expect at every step along the way.

Using state-of-the-art imaging technology, your family’s orthodontist creates a detailed 3D scan of the patient’s current smile. This technology also helps your orthodontist create a treatment plan that creates a path to the patient’s new smile. It will also give you a sneak peek of what the finished smile will look like.

3. Visit your orthodontist to pick up your first set of Invisalign trays

Our orthodontist will make sure your Invisalign aligner trays fit correctly and comfortably. We’ll provide you with information on how to take care of your Invisalign and ways to improve its teeth straightening outcomes.

4. Wear Invisalign as directed

You’ll receive new Invisalign trays every one to two weeks – simply start using the new trays.  

Pro tip: If your teenager tends to lose their trays, keep the old tray in a storage case – while you’ll still need to get a replacement tray, having the old one on hand can keep treatment on track

Wear the Invisalign trays for 20 to 22 hours each day. The longer it’s worn, the better it can straighten teeth.  

Remove the Invisalign aligner trays to eat, drink, play contact sports, or to clean them. Rinse them when you take them out of your mouth and place them in their storage container when they are not in use.  

Clean your Invisalign with a soft toothbrush and a clear, gentle liquid soap. Use only lukewarm water, as using hot water can warp the clear plastic aligner tray.  

5. Smile!

It’s as easy as that! Simply make the appointment for a free consultation – your orthodontist and Invisalign will do the rest.

Some patients benefit from wearing a retainer after completing their Invisalign treatment. Wearing a retainer helps prevent teeth from drifting out of their optimal position, reversing some of the progress made by the Invisalign treatment.  

For more information on Invisalign, and to learn if it is your clear solution for straightening teeth, schedule your free consultation with Starling Orthodontics. Our orthodontist in Brentwood is glad to help create great smiles for every member of your household.  

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